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ZAID3NZ User avatar
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Buenas a todos!

Como bien saben, se acerca el lanzamiento de Expedition. Y con este lanzamiento cambian algunas cosas en el juego.

A saber:

[1] Trainers Supporter: Son una nueva categoría de trainers. La única caracteristica a tener en cuenta, es que se puede jugar una sola trainer del tipo Supporter por turno.

[2] Se adiciona al juego el Estado Quemado. Un Pokemon quemado deberá arrojar una moneda al final de cada turno. Cada vez que salga X se pondrán sobre 2 contadores de daño sobre el Pokemon Quemado.

[3] Todos los Pokemon Powers de cartas de Sets anteriores a Expedition Base Set, que en su texto decían "... Este poder deja de funcionar si este Pokemon esta Dormido, Confundido o Paralizado." ; ahora también se verán afectados por los estados Envenenado y Quemado, es decir, tambien se apagaran esos pokemon powers si el Pokemon tiene esos estados.

[4] División de los Pokemon Powers en dos grupos: PokePower y Pokebody. La diferencia entre ambos es que los PokePowers se activan manualmente y los PokeBody tienen efecto continuo. Ambos siguen siendo considerados como Pokemon Powers, por tanto, siguen siendo afectados por ataques de Pichu, Magby y Sabrinas Gengar, o pueden ser anulados por Goop Gas, Muk Fossil o Igglybuff.

Luego de esto, dejare la información original respecto a los Sets Expedition, Aquopolis y Skyridge del compendium como sustento a lo anteriormente explicado.


ZAID3NZ User avatar
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Cambios que produce la introducción del set Expedition:

Cambio en los efectos de envenenamiento en los pokepowers. Adición efecto Quemado. Fuente Compendium:

* [Effective 1/17/02:] There is also a new Pokemon rule change that will even FURTHER give the current environment some diversity. In working on keeping the Pokemon rules as close as possible to the Japanese rules of the game, there is a new term that will be introduced in a later set this year. This is "Special Conditions". Asleep, Confusion, Paralysis, POISON, and later on Burned are all defined as Special Conditions. All of these effects are removed from the Active Pokemon if they Evolve, Devolve, Leave Play, or are Benched. They ALSO shut off ALL Pokemon Powers on the Pokemon effected by a Special Condition. This means that Poison (and later on Burned) shut off Pokemon Powers on the Pokemon affected by them. This is a clarification of the rules for Pokemon and WILL take place in all of the upcoming Challenge series events and tournaments. TPC has told us that is how it supposed to work. (Jan 17, 2002 WotC Chat Announcements & Q1280)

* Basically any Pokemon Power on any Pokemon that says it stops working if the Pokemon is Paralyzed, Asleep, or Confused, now should ALSO include Poisoned, or Burned as well. These 5 effects are known as Special Conditions. Almost every Pokemon power stops working if its Pokemon has a Special Condition on it. If a Pokemon power says it still functions if Asleep, Conufused, or Paralyzed, that also holds true for Poisoned and Burned as well. Char, while similar to Burned is NOT the same thing and does NOT fall under this rule change. All Special Conditions are removed from a Pokemon if it Evolves, Devolves, Leaves play, or is Benched. (Jan 17, 2002 WotC Chat, Q1278 & Q1284)

Q. Does "Burned" replace any other special conditions (like "Paralyzed" removes "Asleep"), or does it coexist with them (like "Poison")? In theory, one could be Burned, Poisoned, and Confused (plus non-special "Charred" too) all at the same time, right?
A. OK, the only effects that replace each other are Asleep, Paralyzed, and Confused. If your Pokemon has one of these and gets hit with another, the new one replaces the old. Poisoned and Burned can be stacked with those first 3 effects. They can be stacked together. You could be Charred, Burned, Poisoned, Smokescreened, AND Confused all at once too! (Sep 26, 2002 WotC Chat, Q551 & Q555 & Q560)

Q. If a Power says it works when the Pokemon is Confused, could Poison turn it off? It was never an issue before because the only effects that could turn it off couldn't occur along with Confusion.
A. It only shuts off if the power says it is shut off "when asleep, confused, or paralyzed". If it does NOT say that, then Poisoning it will NOT shut off the Pokemon power. (Jan 31, 2002 WotC Chat, Q153)

Q. Will these new effects and rules be in the updated Rulebook with the next Neo set?
A. No they won't make it into the Neo 4 rule book but in the later rule book in the next set after that. Since these rules would take place during the Challenge Series, we wanted them to start at the beginning of the year, giving you more time to learn and get used to them. (Jan 17, 2002 WotC Chat, Q1267)

Sobre las trainers de la subcategoría Supporters:

Q. As far as supporters go, when you play one it tells you to lay it next to your active, first, does it stay attached to that active you put it on, or does it come back when they're benched, 2nd, Can you play down a supporter, and use the effect for later in your turn, like laying one down, elming and then using it, or does the card go into effect immediately?
A. The Supporter is not actually attached to your active Pokemon. It's just used as a marker to show that you have already played a Supporter that turn. You use the Supporter when you play it. You merely lay it down next to the Active Pokemon so you don't forget that you played one that turn. (Sep 19, 2002 WotC Chat, Q415 & Q473)

Q. Is there a clarification on the supporters as i have heard 3 different rulings of when you can USE the card? I mean like when do you do what the supporter card says, before your attack, at the end of your turn?
A. You can play 1 supporter at any point during your turn (before your attack). You play the effect immediately just as playing ANY trainer. You have to leave the supporter out though to indicate that you already played one this turn. At the end of the turn you discard it but you would have used its effect when you actaully played it from your hand. (Oct 3, 2002 WotC Chat, Q7 & Q25)

Q. Slowking, Dark Vileplume, etc. can stop Supporters just like trainers, right?
A. Correct. It still says Trainer on the top of the cards. (Oct 3, 2002 WotC Chat, Q48)

Q. If Chaos Gym is in play, how do we handle using supporters? If I flip tails, does my opponent get a chance to use it or not?
A. Ok, supporters are basically normal Trainer cards with a limit built in (can only play 1 per turn). If you flip tails with Chaos Gym (after playing a supporter), your opponent can choose to use it if they want. That supporter would get placed down on the table as normal (near their active) and then would be discarded as normal at the end of your turn. Since YOU did not succesfully play a Supporter, you could try to play another one. This is just like Professor Elm and Chaos Gym in this sense. If you try a second one and it fails again your opponent could NOT use this second one as they are only allowed to use 1 per turn. Same as for Professor Elm. The only tricky part is that you need to remember to discard that supporter back into YOUR discard pile at the end of your turn. (Oct 10, 2002 WotC Chat, Q115)

Q. Seeing as supporters stay in play when you play them, if my opponent plays Sabrina's Psychic Control, He/She couldn't choose a supporter?
A. You can't use Sabrina's Psychic Control to pull a Supporter out of your opponent's discard pile because the Supporter would have to be put in play. (Sep 19, 2002 WotC Chat, Q430 & Q453)

Q. In TMP, if I play a Supporter on my opponent...since it's played on him I cannot use any more supporters my turn...but he can use them on his turn correct?
A. Correct. [Ed. Note: Just for clarification, the supporter action itself must be played during the current turn; it cannot be held over until the opponent's turn. The answer here indicates that the other player may play a Supporter on their turn if they wish.] (Sep 19, 2002 WotC Chat, Q427)

Pokemon de tipo "Crystal" (A partir de Aquopolis):

== CRYSTAL TYPE (Kingdra, Lugia, & Nidoking - Aquapolis Expansion; Celebi, Charizard, Crobat, and others - Skyridge Expansion) [See Also: Errata]

Q. If 2 different energy cards attached to crystal pokemon (psychic and fighting for example), will it act as both types or only one type?
A. It turns into whatever the last basic energy card that was attached's type. So even if you attached 2 basic energy that turn (using Meganium for example), it counts as the type of the last one attached (as long as that type is listed on its Crystal Type Poke-BODY). (Feb 20, 2003 WotC Chat, Q72)

Q. When you attach a Crystal Energy or Rainbow Energy to a pokemon with "Crystal Type" power, do you get to choose what type of Pokemon it becomes? Or does the Pokemon stay colorless because "Crystal Type" only mentions Basic Energy
A. It stays colorless, the Crystal Type Power only works when you attach basic energy cards. (Mar 6, 2003 WotC Chat, Q353)

Q. Will a crystal pokemon become 3 types if you attach a Rainbow Energy?
A. No, read the card, it says you must attach a basic energy card. (Feb 20, 2003 WotC Chat, Q85)

Q. When a Pokemon with "Crystal Type" changes its color due to an attached energy card, its attacks are no longer affected by Sprout Tower until it changes back to "colorless", right?
A. The answer is yes, in that case, it is no longer colorless and Sprout Tower does not affect it. (May 8, 2003 WotC Chat, after-Q1484)

Q. For the Aquapolis Nidoking's "Crystal Type" power, it mentions Fire as one of the energy types it can change into. Is this a typo since none of the attacks on the card use fire energy? (You meant to print Fighting in the Crystal Type power, right?)
A. It was misprinted. The Crystal Pokemon's Power should list the three types of energy used in its attacks."
(Jan 23, 2003 WotC Chat, Q643; Jan 30, 2003 WotC Chat, Q794; Apr 10, 2003 WotC Chat, Q1177 & Q1182)

Q. For the Aquapolis Nidoking's "Crystal Type" power, it mentions Fireas one of the energy types it can change into. Is this a typo since none of the attackson the card use fire energy? (You meant to print Fighting in the Crystal Type power,right?)
A. It was misprinted. The Crystal Pokemon's Power should list the three types ofenergy used in its attacks."
(Jan 23, 2003 WotC Chat, Q643; Jan 30, 2003 WotC Chat, Q794; Apr 10, 2003 WotC Chat,Q1177 & Q1182)

Q. When you attach a Crystal Energy or Rainbow Energy to a pokemon with "Crystal Type" power, do you get to choose what type of Pokemon it becomes? Or does the Pokemon stay colorless because "Crystal Type" only mentions Basic Energy
A. It stays colorless, the Crystal Type Power only works when you attach basic energy cards. (Mar 6, 2003 WotC Chat, Q353)

== CRYSTAL ENERGY (Aquapolis Expansion)

Q. Crystal Energy states that it provides Energy of all types (colors) of basic energy attached to the Pokemon Crystal Energy is attached to, does that mean that if you have a fighting energy and fire energy attached to the pokemon it provides one energy
A. Crystal actually just provides one energy from the look at the top right corner of the card, so it would either make one Fire or one Fighting. It's sort of a limited Rainbow Energy. (Jan 30, 2003 WotC Chat, Q753)

Q. So when Crystal Energy is played on a Pokemon with two different types of Energy, you choose what type Crystal provides? If so, can you change what type it provides multiple times during your turn or your opponent's turn?
A. It will count as both types, but only provides one Energy. (Jan 30, 2003 WotC Chat, Q800)

Q. When you attach a Crystal Energy or Rainbow Energy to a pokemon with "Crystal Type" power, do you get to choose what type of Pokemon it becomes? Or does the Pokemon stay colorless because "Crystal Type" only mentions Basic Energy
A. It stays colorless, the Crystal Type Power only works when you attach basic energy cards. (Mar 6, 2003 WotC Chat, Q353)

Q. If you attach a Crystal Energy to a pokemon with an energy card that has been changed somehow (i.e. Porygon2's Energy Converter), does Crystal Energy provide the new converted energy type, or the original energy type listed on the Basic Energy card?
A. It would provide the original type shown on the Basic Energy card. (Mar 20, 2003 WotC Chat, Q576)

Q. If I have a Crystal Energy attached and I do an attack that says "discard all Fire energy", if I discard all my Fire energy cards first does the Crystal still have to be discarded too since there are no more Fire cards attached?
A. You have to discard all the Energy at once. (Jan 30, 2003 WotC Chat, Q754)

Q. Is there any way you can think of (other than Tyranitar's Dark Aura) that a Crystal Energy card can be used to provide Darkness or Metal energy?
A. Not that I know of, yet. (Jan 30, 2003 WotC Chat, Q755)

Q. Does Crystal Energy copy the converted energy type if a card has been Porygon2'd? ["Energy Converter" pokemon power]
A. Read what Crystal says, it says it provides 1 Energy of all Types of BASIC Energy cards attached to the Pokemon. This is AGAIN the HO-OH ruling. Changing what type of energy a BASIC energy card provides DOES make it count as a different type of energy card. Which is why you would discard a Rainbow energy when something says discard all fire energy. BUT if it said discard all BASIC fire energy, you would NOT discard a Rainbow energy. Crystal works the same way. It only provides the type of energy from the ACTUAL PHYSICAL BASIC energy cards that are there; NOT what they may be changed to providing! (Jan 30, 2003 WotC Chat, Q777)

Q. What would happen to a Crystal Energy on Lanturn using Ion Coating, since it provides the type of energy of the actual card, not what it has been turned into?
A. It looks at what the actual basic energy cards are, NOT what they are providing. So whether you Energy Burn them or use Ion Coating, look at what the actual basic energy card is! This is just like that really annoying Ho-Oh ruling. (Feb 13, 2003 WotC Chat, Q990)

Q. If I have a Crystal Energy on Expedition Tyranitar, does "Dark Aura" change the Crystal Energy to provide Darkness Energy only, or does it also still provide the basic types that are currently attached to the Tyranitar?
A. Tyranitar states "All Energy attached to Tyranitar is Darkness Energy instead of its normal type". This means that attached cards ONLY provide Darkness Energy while this Poke-BODY is in effect. (Apr 24, 2003 WotC Chat, Q1288)

Sobre los poke-powers y poke-bodys:

Q. Magby's Sputter will not shut off Machamp [Skyridge] correct?
A. Wrong, all Poke-POWERs and Poke-BODYs are considered Pokemon Powers. Any of the older effects that shut off Pokemon Powers (such as Sputter or Muk's Toxic Gas) shut of Poke-POWERs AND Poke-BODYs. (May 22, 2003 WotC Chat, Q1635)


* [Effective 1/17/02:] There is alsoa new Pokemon rule change that will even FURTHER give the current environment somediversity. In working on keeping the Pokemon rules as close as possible to the Japaneserules of the game, there is a new term that will be introduced in a later set thisyear. This is "Special Conditions". Asleep, Confusion, Paralysis, POISON,and later on Burned are all defined as Special Conditions. All of these effects areremoved from the Active Pokemon if they Evolve, Devolve, Leave Play, or are Benched.They ALSO shut off ALL Pokemon Powers on the Pokemon effected by a Special Condition.This means that Poison (and later on Burned) shut off Pokemon Powers on the Pokemonaffected by them. This is a clarification of the rules for Pokemon and WILL takeplace in all of the upcoming Challenge series events and tournaments. TPC has toldus that is how it supposed to work. (Jan 17, 2002 WotC Chat Announcements & Q1280)

* Basically any Pokemon Power on any Pokemon that says it stops working if the Pokemonis Paralyzed, Asleep, or Confused, now should ALSO include Poisoned, or Burned aswell. These 5 effects are known as Special Conditions. Almost every Pokemon powerstops working if its Pokemon has a Special Condition on it. If a Pokemon power saysit still functions if Asleep, Conufused, or Paralyzed, that also holds true for Poisonedand Burned as well. Char, while similar to Burned is NOT the same thing and doesNOT fall under this rule change. All Special Conditions are removed from a Pokemonif it Evolves, Devolves, Leaves play, or is Benched. (Jan 17, 2002 WotC Chat, Q1278& Q1284)

Q. I was wondering if you can exactly define the differences between a Poke-BODYand a Poke-POWER, i have heard a few different things going around
A. Those are just clarifications for the players benefit. They are both Pokemon Powers(menaing Muk would shut them both off). A Poke-BODY only affects the Pokemon thathas it and is continuous. A Poke-POWER is an activated Pokemon Power that could haveall sorts of effects. Poke-BODYs are not shut off when the Pokemon has a SpecialCondition on it as well. (Sep 5, 2002 WotC Chat, Q165)

* If Magby's Sputter was in effect (or Goop Gas Attack for that matter) then "whenyou play" Pokemon powers (such as Dark Golbat's Stare or Dark Crobat's SurpriseBite) still function. This is because those effects are triggered by playing thecard and take place BEFORE they are put into play (where Sputter would shut themoff). This is the same reason why Rainbow/Potion/Heal energy still do their "whenyou play them from your hand" effects even with Light Dragonite's MiraculousWind active. (Mar 14, 2002 WotC Rules Team Update, Q6)

Q. If a Power says it works when the Pokemon is Confused, could Poison turn it off?It was never an issue before because the only effects that could turn it off couldnot occur along with Confusion.
A. It only shuts off if the power says it is shut off "when asleep, confused,or paralyzed". If it does NOT say that, then Poisoning it will NOT shut offthe Pokemon power. (Jan 31, 2002 WotC Chat, Q153)

Q. Do older effects that target "Pokemon Powers" also effect both the new"Poke-POWERs" and "Poke-BODYs"?
A. Yes they do. (May 22, 2003 WotC Chat, Q1658)

Q. For the E-cards that target only Poke-POWERS, do they also target Pokemon Powers?What about E-cards that target only Poke-BODYs? Do they also target the older PokemonPowers?
A. No they do not. As previously stated, anything that effects Pokemon Powers (likeSputter) affects both Poke-POWERs and Poke-BODYs. It does NOT work in reverse. (May22, 2003 WotC Chat, Q1680)


Q. If I have an active Skyridge Umbreon, does my opponent's benched Muk shut off Dark Gaze, or does Dark Gaze shut off Toxic Gas?
A. Remember the older Pokemon that have Pokemon Powers are NOT broken down into Poke_BODYs or Poke-POWERs. So the Umbreon only prevents "Poke-POWERs"; Muk's "Pokemon Power" is not affected. (May 15, 2003 WotC Chat, Q1598)

Q. So just to confirm, Umbreon's "Dark Gaze" only prevents those labeled as "Poke-POWER". Older style "Pokemon Power" and "Poke-BODY" are not affected, right?
A. Correct. Pokemon Powers (from the older sets) are not affected by Umbreon's Dark Gaze; only cards that have Poke-POWERs. (May 15, 2003 WotC Chat, Q1604; May 22, 2003 WotC Chat, Q1636)

Q. Aquapolis Scizor is poisoned while its body is off thanks to ol' Muk. When Muk leaves play, does Scizor remain poisoned, or does its body get rid of it for him?
A. When the Muk leaves play and the Pokemon Body Power comes back on the Scizor won't be poisoned any more. (Apr 17, 2003 WotC Chat, Q1244)

Q. If a Pokémon attacks an Aquapolis Scizor using Grass Cube or Mystery Sphere Gamma, does the sleep effect permit the Scizor to be simultaneously poisoned?
A. Poke-POWERs are shut off by special effects; Poke-BODYs like Scizor's Poison Resistance are not. (May 22, 2003 WotC Chat, Q1628)

Q. Can attached cards on Brock's Ninetales use their Poke-BODYs, or are they still considered Poke-POWERs?
A. Poke-BODYs are Pokemon Powers, they are just a sub category of them. You could NOT use them in this case. (Sep 12, 2002 WotC Chat, Q371)

Q. So just to clarify, Muk's "Toxic Gas" will prevent Poke-Body powers, right?
A. Yes. (Sep 5, 2002 WotC Chat, Q177)

Q. Does Pichu's Zzzzap attack affect pokemon that have a Poke-BODY power on them?
A. Yes, Pokemon Powers are Pokemon Powers. (Sep 12, 2002 WotC Chat, Q303)

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ZAID3NZ User avatar
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Para los que tengan dudas con el cambio del veneno afectando pokepowers de cartas viejas.

Dejo la reimpresion de Charizard Base de Legendary Collection (2002). Notese que reemplazan el clásico texto (...Dormido, Confundido o Paralizado) por el nuevo que hace referencia a Condición especial.


Posts: 1637
lo vuelvo a UP, porque parece que muchos no se enteraron que los PP dejan de funcionar si esta con condicion especial

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Por enésima vez, up a este post para que no haya inconvenientes.

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Hago up a este post ya que algunos usuarios aún no se interiorizan con el punto 3 del primer post.

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